This article examined the effects of millimeter wave therapy in the treatment of 107 patients suffering from headaches of varying causes. Treatment consisted of the Nao-Hu, Bai-Huei, and Hua-Chai acupuncture points being exposed to 5.6- and 4.9-mm wavelengths via the use of “Yav’-1-5.6” or “Electronka-KVCh” devices, respectively. Exposure lasted up to 60 minutes per day over a course of 10 days. All patients experienced positive results following 3-5 exposures. After one year, 48 percent of patients remained free of headaches, with a significant decrease in another 41 percent.
B.M. Popov & T.A. Al’shanskaya, “Use of Traditional and Non-traditional Methods
in the Treatment of Headache,” Millimeter Waves in Medicine and Biology. Digest
of Papers of the 11th Russian Symposium with International Participation,
April 21-24, 1997, Zvenigorod, Moscow Region, Russia, p. 68-71.