Courses of magnetotherapy (MT) using ATOS device with 33 mT magnetic field induction were administered to 31 patients (43 eyes) with primary open-angle glaucoma with compensated intraocular pressure. The operation mode was intermittent, with 1.0 to 1.5 Hz field rotation frequency by 6 radii. The procedure is administered to a patient in a sitting posture with magnetic inductor held before the eye. The duration of a session is 10 min, a course consists of 10 sessions. Untreated eyes (n = 15) of the same patients were examined for control. The patients were examined before and 4 to 5 months after MT course. Vision acuity improved by 0.16 diopters, on an average, in 29 eyes (96.7%) out of 30 with vision acuity below 1.0 before treatment. Visocontrastometry was carried out using Visokontrastometer-DT device with spatial frequency range from 0.4 to 19 cycle/degree (12 frequencies) and 125 x 125 monitor. The orientation of lattices was horizontal and vertical. The contrasts ranged from 0.03 to 0.9 (12 levels). MT brought about an improvement of spatial contrast sensitivity by at least 7 values of 12 levels in 22 (84.6%) out of 26 eyes and was unchanged in 4 eyes. Visual field was examined using Humphry automated analyzer. A 120-point threshold test was used. After a course of MT, visual field deficit decreased by at least 10% in 31 (72%) out of 43 eyes, increased in 3, and was unchanged in 9 eyes; on an average, visual field deficit decreased by 22.4% vs. the initial value. After 4 to 5 months the changes in the vision acuity and visual field deficit were negligible. In controls these parameters did not appreciably change over the entire follow-up period.
Vestn Oftalmol 1996 Jan-Mar;112(1):6-8
Bisvas Shutanto Kumar, Listopadova NA.