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Home / Research / by Art Crotty

The effect of a pulsed electromagnetic field on the hemodynamics of eyes with glaucoma [Russian]


The influence of pulse electromagnetic field (PEMF) on hemodynamics of the eye in open-angle glaucoma has been studied by means of a method and a device proposed at the Filatov Institute. The PEMF characteristics are: impulse frequency–50 Hz, exposition–0,02 sec., impulse shape–square, rate of impulse rise–4.10(4) c rate of magnetic induction rise–2.10(4) mT/c, amplitude value of magnetic induction at the impulse height–9.0–8.5 mT, duration of the procedure–7 min., a course–10 sessions. Observations over 150 patients (283 eyes) with latent, initial and advanced glaucoma have shown a positive influence of PEMF on hemodynamics of a glaucomatous eye: a rise of rheographic coefficient and relative volume pulse in 87,99 and 81,63%, respectively. The degree of the rise and restoration frequency of rheographic values of the glaucomatous eye under the influence of PEMF to the age norm was more expressed at initial stages of the glaucomatous process (latent and initial glaucoma).
Oftalmol Zh 1990;(3):154-7
Tsisel’skii IuV, Kashintseva LT, Skrinnik AV.

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