This study examined the effects of millimeter wave (MW) therapy as a supplemental treatment in patients suffering from various types of depression. MW therapy involved the use of a “Yav’-1” apparatus (5.6 mm wavelength, 53 GHz), and consisted of up to 60 minutes of exposure per day, 2 to 3 times per week, for a total of as many as 15 exposures. Results showed that combined
MW/conventional treatment produced a complete recovery in over 50 percent of cases studied, a significant improvement in 41 percent, and some improvement in 8 percent. Recovery rates among controls (conventional treatment only) were 4, 48, and 41 percent, respectively.
G.V. Morozov, et al., “Treatment of Neurotic Depression with a Help of Extremely High Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation,” Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova, 96(6), 1996, . 28-31.