Louisiana House Bill 531
Update: June 2021
– Signed into law June 10, 2021, HB531 updates the definition of Massage therapy with no mention of PEMF being included or excluded.
PEMF practitioners in the state of Louisiana are free to practice without additional approval or license from the massage therapy board.
– Introduced 4/2/2021 – revisions as related to massage therapy
– “Massage therapy may include, with appropriate training, the use of lubricants such as salts, powders, liquids, creams with the exception of prescriptive or medicinal creams, heat lamps, hot and cold stones, whirlpool, hot and cold packs, salt glow, body wraps, or steam cabinet baths, and the use of non-prescriptive, off-the-shelf commercially available electromechanical devices for which they are trained which mimic or enhance the actions possible by the hands.”