Nevada State Bill 336 (SB336) 2021
House Bill 336
Senate Committee on Natural Resources
March 25th, 2021
– vet board introduced the bill
– Nenna L. with the Vet Board of NV: claims it will not change the scope of practice for vet chiros or massage or physical therapists; as she understands that to be the concern of the opposition
– Senator Hansen immediately received opposition responses mostly from equine owners trying to understand the purpose of the increased legislation
– sponsoring Sen. Kieckhefer said he does not necessarily understand the concerns of the opposition as the definitions outlined in this bill do not change prior definitions or current law
– Hansen also expressed concerns for penalties for violating new regulations which include jail
– new regulation seems to suggest that no one other than a vet or vet tech or vet physical therapist can practice any type of modality on any animal; or that specialists must also be licensed or registered with the state, as appropriate
– two-hour recess
– 6 pm: opposition calls from the public were allowed